The Cognitive Function Test (Cogat) and its applications

By | January 22, 2021

The term ‘Cogat’ is an acronym for Cognitive Ability Test. It is used as one of the preferred methods by which the potential of a child can be determined, as well as helps in improving key aspects of education in which they may be weak. Many people mistake education to simply mean spending a lot of time buried in books and learning knowledge to be stored in the memory. This is as far from the truth as it gets. Being able to think, analyze and react logically is a key aspect of education, and those abilities are exactly what a Cognitive Function Test helps to find out of each and every unique examinee.

With the Cognitive Function Test, there are three distinct categories, each of which tests one specific skill set. They are namely the Verbal category, the Quantitative category and the Non-verbal category. The names make it rather obvious as to what skills the test concentrates on. For the verbal section, language skills are the ones that are concentrated upon. It determines the level at which the vocabulary and language understanding skills of the examinee stands in context of others of similar age groups. Understanding the English language is a keen aspect that determines how well future concepts can be integrated into minds, and this makes it all the more important.

For the second category of the Cognitive Function Test, the area concentrated upon is numbers. The quantitative section appraises the ability of the student to solve problems involving numbers and systems, as well as build equations. An example includes one of the subsections, where an answer is provided along with a bunch of numbers and symbols, while the student is expected to create the equation that leads to the answer provided. It is a keen initiative that has its roots in the way the brain understands a problem and then attempts to solve it.

The final category is that of non-verbal skills, which is ideal for students who might not be extremely adept at the English language. This is especially true for newcomers, who might come from a place where the main language is something completely different. This gives them a fair chance in the Cognitive Function Test, which includes problems relating to basic geometric shapes, as well as figure analysis. Classification, as well as understanding which figures match up are all part of the Cogat test, and it can be understood without a strong grasp of English as well.

When it comes to analyzing the scores of a Cognitive Function test, the best route to take is to know both the percentile as well as overall scoring system. Anything higher than a 130 in total is considered to be the sign of a bright student, with similar divisions made for average marks as well as low marks. There is nothing to get depressed about even if the marks are low, since the whole point of the Cogat test is to identify weaknesses in logical analysis and improve upon them in the near future.

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