Cognitive Ability

By | March 13, 2021

The main abilities that most Cogat aims at testing are the functions of execution, attention and memory. Each of these functions can be broken down further, so as to deeply assess any specific function. For example, the brain has the capability of storing memories in 2 forms, namely short term and long term memory. One of the most celebrated cognition tests will check both the memories separately. Both of these memories will be tested on a separate basis in cognitive testing. As the complete process of evaluation of a person’s Cognitive Ability would involve a series of tests, each testing has different function and sub-function, the entire process spans over a period of almost 2 and a half days, with around 2 to 3 evaluations taking place each day.

Use Cogat Test to get cure from Cognitive Decline!

Cognitive decline is associated with functional impairment and is a risk factor for frank dementia. Enough effort has therefore been applied in identifying its causes. While social behavior factors have been tested, much less is known about the lifelong influence of Cognitive Ability. Lower ability in childhood and early adulthood is associated with increased risk of dementia, but the influence of early ability on general cognitive decline is less understood. A recent study found no difference in rate of cognitive change throughout life according to estimated level of early ability.

Using data from the British birth cohort we made a survey on the association between measured Cognitive Ability in childhood and rate of decline in memory, and concentration in mid-life, controlling for educational and occupational attainment. Because cohort members had been administered the national adult reading test (NART) at the age of 54 years we were also able to investigate possible independent effects of Cognitive Abilities in childhood and adulthood on rate of decline in these measures.

More details about Cogat Test:

The Cogat Test is one of the most trusted and pioneering process to test a person’s Cognitive Abilities. It consists of 3 areas, which are the quantitative section, the verbal section and non-verbal section. These sections are described in detail below:

1) Quantitative Section- As the name defines this section basically deals with numbers and a person’s mathematical skills. In this section, the test taker is supposed to solve problems using various mathematical operations and techniques. This section comprises of 3 sections. The 3 sub-sections in the Cogat test are quantitative relations, number series and the last one is that of equation building. These sub-sections are designed to measure the quantitative function of the test taker from various angles.

2) Verbal Section- In order to reply on this section, a person needs to perform strong reading comprehension, critical writing and reasoning skills. Like the quantitative section of the Cogat Test, this section also has 3 sub-sections, namely, verbal analogies, verbal classification and sentence completion. All these sections are designed to shed light on the verbal thinking ability of the test taker through various angles.

3) Non-Verbal Section- The last section of the Cogat test is that of the non-verbal reasoning section. This section deals with measuring the comprehension and reasoning abilities of an individual, while using geometric figures and shapes. As was the case with the other two sections of the Cogat Test, this section is also divided into 3 sub-sections such as Figure Classification, Figure Analogies and Figure Analysis.

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