Cognitive Assessment System

By | May 15, 2014

Cognition is one of the easy domains out of 4 domains measured by the NIH Toolbox for the Assessment of Neurological and thinking Function (NIH-Toolbox), and complements modules testing motor function, sensation, and emotion. Through expert panels of Cogat Assessment System, the cognition sub-domains identified as most useful for health as well as success in school and work, and independence in daily functioning were common Function, Language, working Speed, Memory, and Attention. Total 6 measures were designed to tap constructs within these sub-domains. The instruments were validated in English, in a sample of 471 participants ranging in age from 4 to 80 years, with representation from sexes (Male and Female), 3 racial/ethnic categories, and 3 levels of education.

Use of Cognitive Assessment System

In Cognitive Assessment System, this Neurological report describes the development of the Cognition Battery and shows results on test-retest reliability, age effects on thinking performance, and convergent and discriminate create validity. The NIH-TB Cognition Battery is designed to serve as a brief, convenient set of measurement of epidemiologic and longitudinal research and clinical trials. With the help of a computerized question format and national norm, this battery will provide a common report among researchers for comparisons across a broad range of studies and populations.

After having the Cogat tests, students will get marked on each of the 3 key skills individually. The first battery or domain, verbal reasoning, needs the students to complete sentences, classify words, and solve verbal puzzles, etc within a time limit. The mathematics or quantitative tests need a separate skill set that links to numbers and procedure of using them in various situations. The student may be instructed to complete a number series by stating the next number in a proper sequence, or else use a set of numbers and symbols to make a correct equation.

The final component of Cognitive Assessment System is the testing of nonverbal skills assessment. In this test numbers and words are replaced by shapes and symbols – making it a particularly accurate tool for examining the skills of a pupil with reading difficulties and it’s based on geometrical test process. The geometrical figure classification tasks need students to identify similarities between an array of shapes, selecting which are most similar and then grouping together.

Planning Scale of Cognitive Assessment System

Planning capabilities helps students select or develop strategies required to complete tasks for which a solution is required and is tough for all activities where an individual has to determine the process to solve a problem or task. The Planning scale includes matching numbers, planned codes, and connections. In the planning of matching numbers subtest, children will be given with 4 pages containing 8 rows. The kid is instructed to underline the 2 numbers that are the same.

The planned codes subtest contains 2 pages, each with a distinct set of codes arranged in 8 rows and 8 columns. At the top of each page is a legend that indicates how letters relate to some simple codes (e.g., A = PX; B = YY; C = SS). In the planned connections subtest the student is instructed to connect numbers in sequence that appear in a quasi-random order (e.g., 1-2-3-4, etc.). For these 2 tests, the student connects numbers and letters in sequence, altering between numbers and letters (e.g., 1-A-2-B-3-C, etc).