Neurocognitive Testing

By | April 15, 2014

The patient who has a brain injury must need a computerized brain testing though advance computerized Neurocognitive Testing which will evaluate the status of patient through Neuropsychological test. It helps in deciding for next treatment procedure for patient.

Need of Expert Neurocognitive Testing

The brain is a very sophisticated processing organ, which can be better understood by multiple ways of evaluation. Neurocognitive Testing reports inform us about the brain’s capabilities to do easily, that it struggles to perform and what it cannot perform. Brain mapping informs us about physiological patterns of activity that correlate and/or cause these patterns of strengths and weaknesses. An expert neuropsychologist analyzes these neurocognitive test results in conjunction with the brain mapping, to make sure that we understand the exact relation between brain function and activity. A brain map alone is very much helpful, but the entire picture has to be understood in order to construct the best treatment plan possible.

As part of your comprehensive cognition assessment, you need to be asked to participate in “neuropsychological” or Neurocognitive Testing. These cognitive tests are specifically designed to measure thinking abilities such as attention, memory, language etc. Various cognitive functions are linked to different areas of the brain for example memory is linked to your temporal lobes and the planning and organizing is linked to your frontal lobes. To know your cognitive strengths and weaknesses is important, as it provides your doctor with a clearer picture of how your brain is functioning properly. It can also provide information to guide your treatment or make your life easier.

Details about some tests

Memory tests measure your capability to encode and retain information for various duration of time. Language tests measure your thinking ability to name objects, produce and repeat words; understand various sentences, read and write properly. Visuospatial / Constructional tests measure your ability to appreciate spatial relationships and copy simple figures or designs. Executive functions test measures critical thinking such as planning, organizing, mental flexibility and reliabilities and generation of innovative ideas. Also your mood can significantly affect the way you think and function in your daily life. Therefore, you may be faced questionnaires that will ask about your current mood (e.g., whether you are feeling, depression, anxious).

Medical cancer treatments are required for restoring the physical health of the child. Those mental treatments may also change the functions of brain. Perhaps the child likes to read books, but now has difficulty to go through the storyline. Also arithmetic was never a challenge, but now it takes twice as long to complete a task. Cognitive down are not only frustrating; but they can actually severely affect a child’s academic and social future life. Neurocognitive test is useful for understanding these changes and learning.

Most neurocognitive tests are like brain teasers or memory games and the child needs to put his/her best effort to complete various tasks like putting together blocks or remembering a set of words. A series of Cognitive tests lasts between one and two hours, including breaks as required.