Cognitive Skills

By | April 30, 2014

One of the most important cognitive periods in the preschool years that occur between 3 to 4 year olds is the development of symbolic cognitive thought. Symbolic cognitive thought is the ability to mentally or symbolically action represents concrete objects, actions, and events. The most important sign of the development of symbolic cognitive thought in 4 years old is the attractive increase in their make-believe play, which becomes more clear as they will growing.

Cognitive Skills Development in Preschoolers

Some kids of 3 years old and some of 4 years old are considered thinkers, that means they rely on the concrete appearance of visible objects rather than intelligence, they focus on only one relationship at a single time, and they often watch things from only one point of view.

Case study of Cognitive Skills

3 years old Mike looks at a row of 8 glasses that are spaced about 5 inches apart. Below the row of glasses is a second row of cups with the same number as the row above; however, they are placed one inch distance from each other. When his mother asked which row has more glasses, he says that the top row has more glasses because it is longer. Mike makes his decision according to the length of row, the physical feature of the line, and doesn’t think about the absolute number of glasses in each row. When his mom counts the number of glasses in each row, Mike still says that the longer row has more glasses.

Clearly, Mike’s thinking is based on what he has seen and understands. For a 3 years old kid, longer means contain more materials. When Mike’s mom aligns the glasses in the top row with the glasses in the bottom row, and they look to be the same length, Mike says that there is the same number of glasses. Again, Mike’s decision making depends on the appearance of the glasses. According to Piaget, Mike does not have conservation of number and will develop this Cognitive Skills by the time he is 5 years old.

Gradually, you will be running out of cards in the deck or sounds in the array, so it is not practical to imagine that if you wish to continually improve your brain power over period of your lifetime that will perform the trick. Also, you’ll be getting bored with it and stop doing it. You can’t mention the exact time that takes to train for this activity-we all have busy lives! So we should think of how to simulate the same categories of heavy used brain thrashing using multimodal procedures that can be implemented to your normal life, while still getting the maximum benefits, in order to get the cognitive improvement.

So taking all of this into account, I will come up with 5 primary components involved in increasing your fluid intelligence, or Cognitive Skills. As I told, it would be impractical to constantly do practice the cognitive task or variations daily for the rest of your life to reap cognitive advantages. But it is practical to adopt lifestyle changes that will have the same and it may be greater cognitive benefits. These can be implemented daily, to get you the benefits of entire-brain training, and should transfer to receive in overall cognitive functioning as well.