CogAt Form 6 for Calibrating Aptitude

By | November 10, 2014

It is imperative and fundamental to understand the child’s natural disposition and talent during his formative years so that the child can be trained as per their inclination and interest. Therefore, most of the educational institutions resort to scientifically formulated aptitude tests in order to measure the innate attributes of the children pertaining to understanding their memory, reasoning, critical thinking and the likes. CogAT Form 6 is predominantly based on three areas including verbal, mathematical and non-verbal areas so that gives a detailed insight about the learning potential of the children. Since, every individual is unique with exclusive combination of skills; the CogAt exams can serve the purpose of extricating these singularities through the test result analytics. This perception endowed by the CogAt tests form the premise of drawing up the latest and the most effective educational instructional curriculum for the present day students.

The structure of the test is designed so as to test the response of the examinees from the myriad perspectives to give an elaborate idea about their cognitive capabilities concerning logical reasoning, critical thinking, problem solving, numerical and verbal aptitude levels. The CogAt Form 6 test is more abstract and trick based which elicits the natural response level of the students than testing their knowledge which they have drawn from their study so far. In fact there are two separate series of CogAT tests in order to accommodate both the primary and secondary level students beginning from kindergarten till grade 12 for an authentic tracking of their cognitive development throughout the school tenure. The primary battery of questions in the test structure is more suited for children till grade 2 and the Multilevel Battery of questions comprising levels A to H are administered to students from grade 3 to 12.

CogAt Form 6 test results are instrumental in guiding the institutions to adapt their curriculum structure as per the ability and academic needs of the students. The students are imparted knowledge by averaging out their strengths and weaknesses in their cognitive abilities. These tests can also easily filter the gifted students who are not merely judged on the basis of their academic credibility alone and encouraged to undertake extra- curricular activities for a holistic personality development. Therefore, CogAt test result matrix is a perfect guide for the educators to enhance their teaching learning process in order to boost a productive cognitive development within children. CogAt tests are designed keeping in view the age, grade and local norms of the test takers wherein the students are grouped based on their age and geographical location or considering their racial, religious and cultural attributes. The scoring pattern implemented in the CogAt tests is also very unique. The raw scores derived from the battery of correct answers are added and put in to Universal Scale Score, Standard Age Score, Percentile Ranks and Stanines in order to understand and determine different levels of cognitive capabilities in students.